SPAAM6 Logo with Rome ITA, Aug. 2024 written on it

SPAAM6 will be taking place as a hybrid satellite meeting to the EAA 2024 being held in Rome!


28th August 2024


Hybrid meeting:

  • 🇮🇹 In person participants will be in Rome this year, in the same venue that EAA .
  • 👩‍💻 But case you can’t make it to RomeThere will also be a possibility to attend online

Preliminary Programme

Conference starts at 9:30:

(everyone is welcome to arrive from 9AM onwards)

9:30-10:00 Introduction to the conference and eachother

10:00-10:30 Activity 1

10:30-10:50 Coffee break

Methodological talks:

10:50-11:10 Maxime Borry: A new approach to strain phasing for ancient DNA short reads

11:10-11:50 Nikolay Oskolkov: On accurate filtering criteria in taxonomic classification analysis

11:50-12:10 Aleksandra Laura Pach: Classifier Committee: Organizing the Toolbox of Ancient Metagenomics

12:10-13:10 Lunch

Case studies:

13:10-13:30 Maria Lopopolo: Implementing new methodological approaches to characterise the oral microbiome of Pre-colonial human populations of the Southern Cone of the Americas

13:30-13:50 Sierra Blunt: The evolution of the oral microbiome during the Neolithic transition in present-day France

13:50-14:10 Zoe Pochon: Using aMeta for metagenomics analysis of ancient hosts: The medieval necropolis of Las Gobas as a case study

14:10-14:30 Louis L’Hôte: Tracking ancient zoonosis across the domestication process

14:30-14:50 Afternoon coffee break

Discussion session:

14:50 15:35 SPAAM Community Topics: Disccusion groups

15:35 15:40 ancientmetagenomics lab review and community news

15:40 16:00 EAA session leads advertising sessions

Abstract Submission

Abstract registration is CLOSED.

Event Registration

(1) To register as an attendee please fill out this form

(2) To pay the in-person attendance fee (£15) please use the following PayPal button that will allow you to pay to our accounts under the ISBA society (our financial host):

More Information

For more information, please contact one of the SPAAM6 organisers via

We’re hoping to see you there! Your organising committee:

Davide, Ele, Nathan, Louis and Aleksandra

P.S. There are some great SPAAM sessions planned for the EAA including:

  • Building bridges: An open forum for Archaeology and Metagenomics (session #854) Find all the info for this session at EAA 2024 session #854
  • Bioarchaeology of Ancient Pathogens (session #704) Find all the info for this this session at EAA 2024 session #704
  • Infectious Disease and Hygiene in the Neolithic and Bronze Age (session #653) Find all the info for this session at EAA 2024 session #653
  • Appreciating the Archaeological Value of Preserved Faeces Using Multifaceted Methods (session #1061) Find all the info for this session at EAA 2024 session #1061